Spotify Pie How to Get your Spotify Pie


In the grand symphony of streaming services, where melodies dance in the digital air, there exists a delectable treat for the music connoisseur – the Spotify Pie. Picture this: a pie made not of flour and butter but of rhythm and beats, a delightful creation that tantalizes the taste buds of your auditory senses.

A Musical Gastronomy

Harmony on the Plate

Spotify Pie isn’t your typical dessert; it’s an ensemble of notes, a harmony that plays on the palate of your ears. Each slice delivers a unique blend of genres, from the sweet serenades of classical to the spicy rhythms of hip-hop.

Lyrical Layers

Just like a pie with layers of flavor, Spotify Pie is constructed with layers of lyrics. Dive into the poetic depths of meaningful verses, where words become the icing on the auditory cake, leaving a lingering taste of emotion.

The Recipe of Variety

Genre Fusion

Savor the fusion of genres as they intermingle in a perfect medley. Picture jazz notes dancing with electronic beats, creating a flavor symphony that surprises and delights with every bite – or, in this case, every beat.

Artistic Toppings

Just as a pie is adorned with artistic swirls, Spotify Pie is topped with curated playlists. These musical toppings are like the cherries on top, enhancing the overall experience with handpicked tracks that elevate the auditory adventure.

Baking Memories

Time-Traveling Bites

With Spotify Pie, each bite is a journey through time. From vintage classics to modern hits, this musical dessert lets you travel through decades with a playlist that serves as a time machine for your ears.

Nostalgic Flavors

Nostalgia is an essential ingredient in this pie. Every track evokes memories, transporting you to moments of joy, heartbreak, and everything in between. It’s not just music; it’s a flavor that resonates with your soul.

The Joyful Sharing

Slices of Harmony

Spotify Pie is meant to be shared. Create collaborative playlists, slice through the beats, and share the musical joy with friends and family. Just as a good pie brings people together, so does the shared experience of Spotify Pie.

Musical Potluck

Host a musical potluck where everyone brings a slice of their favorite tunes. It’s a feast of sounds, a communal celebration of diverse musical tastes that adds a layer of community to the Spotify Pie experience.

The Playlist Palette

Vivid Hues of Mood

Like an artist’s palette, Spotify Pie offers a spectrum of emotions. From the deep blues of melancholy to the vibrant reds of excitement, there’s a playlist for every mood. Choose your color and let the music paint the canvas of your feelings.

Seasonal Aromas

Just as a pie’s flavor changes with the seasons, Spotify Pie adapts to your mood and the time of year. Feel the warmth of acoustic melodies in winter and the upbeat rhythms of summer anthems as the seasons change.

The Final Note

Let the Spotify Pie be your musical dessert, a treat that transcends the boundaries of taste and takes you on a melodic journey. With every note, every beat, and every playlist, immerse yourself in the sweet symphony of Spotify Pie – a culinary masterpiece for the soul.

What is the Spotify Pie Chart?

Spotify Pie analyzes your Spotify listening and organizes it into a highly sharable pie chart of all the genres you’ve listened to in the last month. The website doesn’t just reveal your most listened to genres but also lists your top artists of the month below the colorful chart. The website was created by UCLA student Darren Huang and the clever tagline reads, “Bake your monthly genre pie.”

Spotify Pie takes advantage of how Spotify categorizes each song into very specific genres. My personal pie featured everything from “metropopolis” to “deep underground hip hop” to “boyband.”

How to get your Spotify Pie

To use Spotify Pie you have to allow it to access your Spotify data, so if that’s not something you’re comfortable with, sit this one out.

4 Easy Steps To Get Your Spotify Stats Pie Chart

Whether you’re curious about your favorite music genres or top artists over a specific timeframe, you’ll see it all here!


Step 1: Log in with Spotify

To view your Spotify stats, grant Music Pie Chart access to your listening history. Don’t worry, we only ask for limited “read” permissions.

  • Login to Spotify and you’ll be redirected to Spotify’s official login page.
  • Enter your Spotify credentials and grant the necessary permissions.
  • Once logged in, you’ll return to Music Pie Chart.


Step 2: View Your Spotify Stats Pie Chart

After logging in, your Spotify Stats Pie Chart will be ready as we process your listening history, showcasing:

  • Your top music genres
  • Your top artists, ranked by your listening frequency.
  • You top tracks based on your listening habits. Click the play button to sample your favorite songs!


Step 3: Customize your Spotify Stats Pie Chart

Get creative! Customize your Spotify Stats Pie by playing with background colors to make it unique to you.


Step 4: Share Your Spotify Stats Pie Chart

Sharing is caring! Easily share your Spotify Stats Pie Chart with your community through:

  • The Facebook share button
  • The X/Twitter share button
  • Copying your Spotify Pie Chart’s unique URL so your friends can check it out and give it a thumbs up!

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